
This blog is about a new walk with my husband Rick & I since he was diagnosed with ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis) or Lou Gehrig's Disease or MND (Motor Neuron Disease) on February 1, 2008.

This blog was started as a way to keep our family and friends and anyone else interested in our battle with ALS updated.
So as you read this blog please keep us in your hearts and prayers.

The blog starts from the most current to the oldest entry. Rick has started to blog now also as of April 1,2008 so this site has become officially "our blog".

My dearest husband Rick passed away on August 13, 2010,
2 1/2 yrs after diagnosis. Now I have to learn how to walk in the courage, strength and bravery that he did in fighting this disease. He promised me he would be waiting for me in eternity on a park bench. Together Forever!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Joan here..."A few links and updates on Rick"



These links refer to the latest fundraising articles written on Tia & Katie's Garage Sale, Whitemouth & Reynolds School Walk for ALS.

Update on how Rick is doing health wise.
He is on comfort care. He is officially taking medication that tricks the brain into thinking it is getting enough air so he can relax especially when we are going to move him, get him dressed, showered or fed. He is on the bipap all day except to eat and shower. Yesterday, was our first day using the medication and he couldn't believe how it relaxed his breathing so he could eat and shower without a great struggle.

We have been enjoying the really warm weather.
His skin seems to be so sensitive to the sun and turns red really quick. We are not sure if it is just a reaction to possibly the quinine he takes for cramping or not.
Just driving out on the yard is so bumpy and jarring for him. The sip and puff doesn't work for him on uneven surfaces and with his bipap on it is a bit too much for him so I am the one who drives the wheelchair for him.

We are trying to soak in as much of the sun rays as possible. He sat on the deck while I worked with some flowers and cutting down last years old growth on the rose bushes. It was something he and I always loved doing together. I was so happy that he took some enjoyment in just the newness of the planting season. I like the finished product but he always enjoyed the nurturing of the plants. So he kept me hopping with instructions how to do things the right way. It just must be so incredibly hard for him to watch me struggling to do things he so enjoyed doing! Now, he just sits in his chair trying to stay in the shade and away from all flying creatures! Now that is going to be an interesting task....keeping the bugs away from him! Especially living in MB!