
This blog is about a new walk with my husband Rick & I since he was diagnosed with ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis) or Lou Gehrig's Disease or MND (Motor Neuron Disease) on February 1, 2008.

This blog was started as a way to keep our family and friends and anyone else interested in our battle with ALS updated.
So as you read this blog please keep us in your hearts and prayers.

The blog starts from the most current to the oldest entry. Rick has started to blog now also as of April 1,2008 so this site has become officially "our blog".

My dearest husband Rick passed away on August 13, 2010,
2 1/2 yrs after diagnosis. Now I have to learn how to walk in the courage, strength and bravery that he did in fighting this disease. He promised me he would be waiting for me in eternity on a park bench. Together Forever!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Joan here...Another first

We have had a very busy weekend. Getting settled in our apartment and all. The familiarity of the building has added an element of that "being home" feeling.

We attended our FIRST open house for the Brummitt-Feasby ALS House on Sunday. It is located right here in Winnipeg. It is a home that was donated to the ALS Society by two daughters who's step mother passed away from the disease. The home was extensively remodeled to meet the specific needs of the ALS person. The home has 4 fully serviced bedrooms and full time care staff to accommodate anyone staying there with the disease. They continue to operate this house through the fundraising efforts of everyone. You can check out this home at http://www.alsmb.ca/brummitt_feasby.aspx .

Our MB representative of the ALS Society, Diana Rasmussen, received national recognition and an award for her tireless work and dedication to the ALS Society. It is quite the achievement as she was recommended for the award from various other provinces as well. Diana was also the lady who first came to our home right after the diagnosis in Feb. to tell us what was all available to Rick and I. She gave us her phone numbers... including her cell if we should have any questions about anything. Just knowing that she was available to us at that time made us not feel so alone. It is because of people like Diana that people like us don't feel so lost at first.

As we toured this home, as beautiful as it was, our hearts sank within. Looking at all the power lifts, the beds, the chairs etc it was all a reminder to Rick and I what lies ahead. We almost felt like just tip toeing through the place as we didn't want to get to attached or planted there right now. We dreaded even going through the front doors initially. We were greeted with open arms. Two of my sisters and their husbands came with us for moral support! :) We were all treated graciously and welcomed into this new group of friends.

We met people with various stages of ALS, people who had recently lost loved ones, and people who are caregivers, and people who were there to support the caregivers. ALS does not just change the lives of the people who have it but of their families, friends, neighbours and on and on the list goes. We also heard from a gentleman who recently lost his wife to ALS. You could say I spent most of the time crying through it all. Every once in a while when I allow myself to go to that place in my thinking it just tears my heart. I can't even imagine what these people are going through right now. Their loss....their pain...their grief...their emotions are so tangible when you meet them.

My brother in law, who is a terrific Elvis tribute artist by the way, honoured us all by his impromptu singing for a lady with ALS. Needless to say he was a big hit!

Rick and I have enlargened our circle of friends as we walk this walk. We are meeting people who know about us from Whitemouth School who are coming up to us in various places here in Winnipeg to talk to us. We are beginning to feel like celebrities. :) Over two hundred kids and teachers know us but we may only know two or three of them right now! We look forward to getting to know all of them.

A Whitemouth update....cupboards are in, painting and flooring almost done! It looks great!!!