
This blog is about a new walk with my husband Rick & I since he was diagnosed with ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis) or Lou Gehrig's Disease or MND (Motor Neuron Disease) on February 1, 2008.

This blog was started as a way to keep our family and friends and anyone else interested in our battle with ALS updated.
So as you read this blog please keep us in your hearts and prayers.

The blog starts from the most current to the oldest entry. Rick has started to blog now also as of April 1,2008 so this site has become officially "our blog".

My dearest husband Rick passed away on August 13, 2010,
2 1/2 yrs after diagnosis. Now I have to learn how to walk in the courage, strength and bravery that he did in fighting this disease. He promised me he would be waiting for me in eternity on a park bench. Together Forever!

Friday, May 2, 2008

Rick & Joan here..."Kids say the darnest things!"

We did it! Had a great time with all the students and teachers at the Whitemouth School this morning at assembly. Today was the day that the kids rec'd their pledge sheets for the ALS Walk on May 23rd. They asked us to give a brief talk on ALS. It went great!

The kids were attentive and respectful. Many students came up to us afterwards expressing concern, care and thanks for us coming and talking to them. Same with the teachers.
It was a bit intimidating as the school covers grades one to twelve. So we were worried about being able to keep it pertinent to all.

Afterwards, we were invited to tour through some of the classes and hand out more information and take more questions. Got to share this one...in the main session Rick made a point of making sure the kids knew ALS is not a communicable disease. At least he thought he did! lol... Later in an individual class a young student around the age of 8 asked him the following...
"Is ALS a sexually transmitted disease?" I thought I was going to burst out laughing and was looking forward to how Rick was going to answer this one. But, to make it worse, remember Rick suffers from what he calls "farmer's ear". He is pretty deaf on one side. So he asked the student to please repeat the question. Which he did louder and clearer! As the teacher died a thousand deaths!!! Rick proceeded to answer the students question. Rick never missed a beat but boy I could hardly wait till we got out of ear shot. We collapsed in laughter!!! Rick said he could have turned that kid into a priest if he had answered differently. LOL

Anyhow, we did have a wonderful time and look forward to being at the school again. We feel that something very special happened there and that we may have an opportunity to really impact some young lives. Not to mention have a few laughs!!!