She won the hearts of us all when she persisted even this Spring that she still wanted to go ahead with it. Her big sister Tia who tirelessly worked on the day of the sale, Dad and Mom who supported their little girl's dream, family and friends came along side to make this happen!
On the day of the SNOWED!!! There she sat shivering away and sitting at the table with her sister in their winter clothes. She was selling her lemonade as a garage sale has to have lemonade! Never could we have imagined how her goal of $100.00 would be exceeded! We decided that there would be NO prices on anything but that people could pay what they deemed fair. Hot Dogs, coffee, lemonade and some hot chili were also available.
Everyone opened their hearts and wallets to make the day more of a sucess than any one of us could have imagined!
When the dust cleared and a very tired bunch of us added it all up we found that over $1,000.00 had been raised and the money will be all going to the ALS Society of MB. WOW!!!!! We are so proud of our grand girls who both withstood the cold and worked so hard to make this happen!!!!